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Essential Tips For Novices: Navigating Spa And Hot Tub Maintenance

Stepping into the world of spa and hot tub ownership can be a delightful experience, offering relaxation and rejuvenation at your fingertips. However, the journey comes with responsibilities, such as spa and hot tub maintenance.

For those new to this domain, understanding the basics of maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your spa or hot tub. This guide provides novices with essential tips to navigate spa and hot tub maintenance, allowing you to fully enjoy the soothing waters without any stress or hassle.

How Do Hot Tub Filters Work? 

A hot tub filter helps eliminate body contaminants like oils, hair, dirt, and lotions from spa water. Since it contains a filter made of polyester and a structural plastic core, it helps in removing dirt. All across the hot tub, water circulation takes place and passes down the filter media. It gets jetted back again into the tub. 

Whenever water goes through the filter, it traps the unnecessary debris that clogs the tub. Hot tub filters are best when you clean them every day because debris can spoil your spa feeling. There is no point in relaxing when there are contaminants around. The next section of the article informs you how to take good care of your spa and hot tub.

1. Water Quality Matters

Maintaining the water quality in your spa or hot tub is paramount. Regularly test the water’s pH levels, sanitizer concentration, and alkalinity. Imbalanced water can lead to discomfort and even skin irritation. Use test strips or kits to monitor these levels and make necessary adjustments to ensure crystal-clear, safe water. Proper water maintenance also prolongs the life of your spa’s equipment.

2. Cleaning Routine

2. Cleaning Routine

Develop a consistent cleaning routine for your spa or hot tub. Clean the filter regularly to prevent debris buildup and ensure proper water circulation. Skim the water surface to remove leaves, insects, and other debris. Scrub the spa’s interior and its components to prevent the growth of algae and bacteria. Regular cleaning not only enhances your spa’s appearance but also contributes to a more enjoyable experience.

3. Equipment Inspection And Spa Troubleshooting

Inspect your spa’s equipment, including pumps, heaters, and jets, regularly. Look for any signs of wear or damage and address them promptly. An efficient operating system ensures optimal performance and extends the life of your spa.

Additionally, familiarize yourself with spa troubleshooting techniques to quickly identify and address common issues, ensuring uninterrupted enjoyment. In case of technical problems, consider reaching out to professionals with expertise in spa troubleshooting and repair.

4. Water Replacement

While enjoying your spa, don’t forget that water replacement is crucial. Draining and refilling the water every few months helps maintain water quality. Before refilling, clean and sanitize the spa’s interior to start fresh with clean water. This practice reduces the accumulation of impurities and ensures your spa water remains inviting.

5. Cover Care

Cover Care

The spa cover plays a significant role in retaining heat and keeping debris out. Regularly clean and condition the cover to prevent cracking and deterioration. Invest in a cover lifter for easy removal and replacement. A well-maintained cover not only enhances the spa’s aesthetics but also contributes to energy efficiency by preserving heat.

6. Addressing Common Issues

Despite your best efforts, you may encounter issues with your spa. Familiarize yourself with common problems such as water temperature fluctuations, unusual noises, or error messages.

Conduct basic troubleshooting or consult the manufacturer’s manual for guidance. For more complex issues, seek professional assistance to ensure a swift resolution. Regular maintenance can prevent many common issues and keep your spa running smoothly.

Do I Need To Install A Filter On My Hot Tub?

Generally, every hot tub needs a filter that helps it to eliminate harmful contaminants. Users introduce contaminants like lotions, body oils, chemical products, and grime that clog the hot water tub and ultimately make it untidy. The hot tub filters help trap this debris and ensure that you get clean and safe water. 

You might experience slightly green water without a tub filter, which is a sign of algae invasion. Contaminants that are unremoved clog hot tub pumps and eventually cause spa failure. A hot tub mechanism is also sabotaged by waterborne contaminants such as water hardness. 

Calcium might scale whatever remains inside the hot tub heater or filter. In order to reduce the calcium scaling possibilities, it is necessary to maintain the pH level of water between 7.2 to 7.3. Moreover, the alkalinity of your water should not exceed 90 ppm. Installing a pre-filter helps in removing contaminants that eventually diminish the spa water quality. 

Chemicals Needed To Clean A Spa And Hot Tub

A critical aspect of spa maintenance is taking care of the water’s chemical balance. Problems like pH imbalance result in water cloudiness, reduced spa performance, buildup of scales, and increased discomfort. There are a few chemicals that help to keep the spa and hot tub clean. Some of the most common ones are:

  • pH balancers
  • Spa shock
  • Sanitizers

Let’s learn a bit more about each of them…

1. pH balancers

In order to maintain your hot tub’s pH balance, you will need both a pH decreaser and an increaser. While the pH increaser is needed when the pH level drops below 7.2, a pH decreaser is required when it goes more than 7.8. 

2. Spa Shock

Spa shocks are mainly responsible for breaking down organic waste, removing foul smells, and cleaning the hot tub water instantly. Shocks usually come in two forms- chlorine-free and chlorine-based. 

3. Sanitizers

As the name suggests, these chemicals “sanitize” the hot tub water. Both bromine and chlorine are some popular forms and are quite effective when it comes to disinfecting water. 


As a novice spa or hot tub owner, these essential maintenance tips provide you with the knowledge to embark on your journey with confidence.

Remember, spa and hot tub maintenance is an ongoing process that ensures you experience the ultimate relaxation and wellness benefits they offer. By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to maintain water quality, preserve equipment, and enjoy a seamless spa experience for years to come.

With this, it’s a wrap on this comprehensive guide. Tell us in the comment section below how helpful did you find this article. 


Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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